Big Muscular Dog

People mistake her for a pitbull with a pinhead, but Wendy the whippet is one rare breed.

Wendy the Whippet has a genetic disorder that has resulted in an exceptionally muscular appearance

So rare that the Central Saanich dog recently graced the New York Times. She also had several of her photos shown on The Today Show, all because of a rare genetic mutation that has led to her being the Incredible Hulk of dogs.

Wendy is a 27-kilogram rippling mass of muscle. Forget the so-called six-pack stomach: Wendy has a 24-pack. And the muscles around her neck are so thick, they look like a lion’s ruff.

The uber-muscled whippets are called “bullies,” not because of their nature; Wendy likes nothing better than a good back scratch and isn’t shy about sitting in your lap to ask for one, but because of their size. She’s about twice the weight of an average whippet, but with the same height and small narrow head; and the same size heart and lungs, which means she probably won’t live as long as normal whippets.

Link & Image: Times Colonist

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